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8/27/2019 - Now for a little history on the beginnings of the Vanderbilt fortune: Cornelius Vanderbilt Sr. (they called him the Commodore) came to Staten Island, New York from The Netherlands, penniless. He talked his mom into lending him $100 at the age of 16 so he could buy an old boat. He saw a need for a way for people to get to and from Staten Island. He set up a ferry route and began making money. He bought more boats paid his mom back. Later on, he sold the Staten Island Ferry and reinvested in railroads. When he died in 1877, he had turned that $100 into $100 million. His son, William, inherited the entire estate. When he died in 1885 (only 8 years later), he had turned the $100 million into $200 million (at that time, he was the richest man in America). In today dollars, that would be about $6.4 billion. That was the beginning, from there William had four sons (and 4 daughters). His oldest son wa...